Body Composition Please fill out the below and click on the submit button. Personal ID Number (PIN) - 12 digitsPlease enter Personal ID Number (PIN). If the person does not have a PIN then leave blank and a unique PIN will be generated for the player.Generated Personal ID Number (PIN)First Name Last Name Email Gender* Male Female Birth Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date of Test* MM slash DD slash YYYY AgeHeight (inches)*Height (cm)Weight (lbs)*Weight (kg)SkinfoldsTriceps (mm)Biceps (mm)Chest/Pectoral (mm)Subscapula (mm)Iliac Crest(mm)Superiliac/Supraspinale (mm)Abdominal (mm)Thigh (mm)Calf (mm)Girths/CircumferenceNeck (cm)Arm(cm)Forearm (cm)Waist (cm)Hip (cm)Mid. ThighMid. CalfJP 3 skinfolds Female (triceps, suprailiac, abdomen)triceps, suprailiac, abdomenJP 3 skinfolds Female (triceps, suprailiac, thigh)JP 4 Site Female (triceps, suprailiac, abdominal, thigh)(Abdomen, Suprailiac, Triceps, Thigh)% Body fat JP Female skinfolds and girth (triceps, thigh, suprailiac, and hip girth)Yuhaz (Carter 1982): Female (6 sites) and Weir (1962) Female (2 sites - iliac crest, triceps)based on a sample aged 17-25. (reference: Sloan, A.W., Burt A.J., Blyth C.S.: Estimating body fat in young women., J. Appl. Physiol. (1962);17:p967-970) Slaughter-Lohman: Female (2 sites - triceps, calf) Skinfold measurements are taken from two sites: Triceps - measure vertically on the back of the arm midway between the top of shoulder point (Acromial Process) and the elbow (Olecranon Process). Calf - measurement taken inside (medial) side of the right lower leg at the greatest calf girth. HiddenSum of (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac)HiddenLog base-10 of D&W CellDurnin and Womersley Female (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac)For ages 30-39 females: D = 1.1423 - (0.0632 X L)HiddenNavy Method (female) - waist + hip - neckHiddenLog10 of (waist + hip - neck)HiddenNavy Method - heightHiddenLog10 of (height)Navy Method - Female (girths only)Using Metric Measurements (cm) This is believed to be the metric version of the Navy body fat formula. Note, all measurements are in centimeters to the nearest 0.5 cm, including height. males: % body fat = 495/(1.0324-0.19077(log(waist-neck))+0.15456(log(height)))-450 females: % body fat = 495/(1.29579-0.35004(log(waist+hip-neck))+0.22100(log(height)))-450 (Katch & McArdle, 1983) - girths only FemalesAll circumferences are in inches. than 240 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Younger Women (17-26 years): % body fat = (abdominal x 1.34) + (thigh x 2.08) – (forearm x 4.31) – 19.6 [or 22.6] Older Women (over 26 years): % body fat = (abdominal x 1.19) + (thigh x 1.24) – (calf x 1.45) – 18.4 [or 21.4]JP 3 skinfolds Male (chest, triceps, subscapular) JP 3 skinfolds Male (chest, abdominal, thigh) JP 4 Site Male (Abdomen, Suprailiac, Triceps, Thigh)ttp:// JP 7 skinfolds Male (chest, triceps, subscapular, iliac crest, suprailiac, abdominal, thigh) JP male skinfolds and girth (chest, abdomen, thigh SF with waist and forearm girths)Yuhaz (Carter 1982):Male (6 skinfolds) Yuhaz: Male (6 skinfolds). -NHL Testing Sloan and Weir (1967) male (2 sites - thigh,subscap) based on a sample aged 18-26. (reference: Sloan AW: Estimation of body fat in young men., J Appl. Physiol. (1967);23:p311-Boileau et al. 1985 (ages 16-18) Males: Durnin and Womersley Male (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailiac)For ages 30-39 males: D = 1.1422 - (0.0544 X L) Slaughter-Lohman: Male (2 sites - triceps, calf) Skinfold measurements are taken from two sites: Triceps - measure vertically on the back of the arm midway between the top of shoulder point (Acromial Process) and the elbow (Olecranon Process). Calf - measurement taken inside (medial) side of the right lower leg at the greatest calf girth. HiddenNavy Method (male) - waist - neckHiddenLog10 of (waist - neck)Navy Method - Male (girths only)This is the formula (Hodgdon and Beckett, 1984) that was taken from the Navy website, and is seen elsewhere on the internet. Note, all measurements are in inches (measured to the nearest 1/4 inch), including height. males: % body fat = 86.010 x log10(abdomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) + 36.76(Katch & McArdle, 1983) - girths only MalesAll circumferences are in inches. Younger Men (17-26 years): % body fat = (upper arm x 3.70) + (abdominal x 1.31) – (forearm x 5.43) – 10.2 [or 14.2] Older Men (over 26 years): % body fat = (buttock x 1.05) + (abdominal x 0.90) – (forearm x 3.00) – 15.0 [or 19.0] Muscle Mass (kg) % Muscle Mass BMIWaist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)NotesPhotoAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB. Δ